An ordinance of the Borough of Darlington, Beaver County, Pennsylvania amending Ordinance No. 258 (b) pertaining to the payment of Councilman.
Be it Enacted and ordained by the Borough Council by the Borough of Darlington, Beaver County, Pennsylvania and it is hereby enacted an ordained by authority of the same that Ordinance No. 258 (b) is hereby amended so is to read as follows:
Payment of President of Council
In lieu of any other compensation provided for by this or any other ordinance, the President of Council, or any individual presiding over any such meeting, shall be compensated for attendance and presiding over the regularly scheduled business meeting in the amount of twenty-five ($25.00) dollars per meeting.
All other sections and provisions of Ordinance 258 (b) are hereby reaffirmed and the provisions of this amending ordinance shall become effective as provided in the Borough Code.
Enacted and ordained into an ordinance by the Borough Council of the Borough of Darlington on the 3rd day of April, 1995.
Romaine Shugars, President of Council
Attest: Virginia Martin, Secretary of Council
Review and approved this 3rd day of April, 1995.
Earl W. Shugars, Mayor