An ordinance signifying the intention and desire, on the first of the Town Council of the Borough of Darlington, Beaver County Pennsylvania, to increase the bonded indebted ness of said Borough in the sum of Six Thousand ($6000.00) Dollars, for the purpose of paying the Borough’s portion of the cost and expense incident to the paving of such additional width of Market Street and Second Street, within the limits of said Borough, as may be prescribed by the Town Council to be paved and improved, under the prescribed legal proceedings.
Therefore, be it enacted and ordained by the Town Council of the Borough of Darlington, and it is hereby enacted and ordained by authority of the same.
Section 1. That said Town Council, after due investigation and consideration deems it necessary and proper, and hereby declare and signify their intention that the bonded indebtedness of said Borough of Darlington by increased in the sum of Six Thousand ($6000.00) Dollars, in the manner provided by an Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled “An Act to regulate the manner of increasing the indebtedness of municipalities to provide for the redemption of the same and to improve penalties for illegal increase thereof’, approved April 20th, 1874, and the several amendments thereto and laws of the supplements thereof, and all other Commonwealth of Pennsylvania there to relating for the following purpose to wit:
For the purpose of paying the Borough’s portion of the cost and expense incident to the paving of such additional width of Market Street and Second Street within the limits of said Borough as may be pre scribed by the Town Council to be paved and improved under pre scribed legal proceedings.
Ordinance by the Town Council of the Borough of Darlington this Second day of May,
A.O. 1921.
Borough of Darlington
By Attest:
- Nicely, President of Council
Glenn H. Watterson, Secretary of Council
Examined and approved by me this 2nd day of May, A.D. 1921.
James H. Gaunt, Burges