Ordinance 107: Public Elections

An ordinance authorizing and directing the holding of a public election in the Borough of Darlington, County of Beaver and State of Pennsylvania, for the purpose of obtaining the assent of the elections, to an increase of the bonded indebtedness thereof in the sum of Six Thousand ($6000.00) Dollars, for the purpose of paying the Borough’s portion of the cost and expense incident to the paving of such additional width of Market Street and Second Street, within the limits of said Borough, as may be prescribed by the Town Council to be paved and improved, under prescribed legal proceedings, and providing for the submission of such question to a vote of the electors of said Borough at said election, and fixing the time and place of and providing for the holding of said election. Whereas, the corporate authorities of the Borough of Darlington, in the County of Beaver and State of Pennsylvania, are desirous of increasing the bonded indebtedness of said Borough in the sum of Six Thousand ($6000.00) Dollars, for the purpose hereinbefore stated, and have signified and expressed their desire to make such an increase for such purpose by Ordinance No. 106, enacted by the Town Council of said Borough on the Second day of May, A.D. 1921.

Therefore, be it enacted and ordained by the Town Council of the Borough of Darlington, and it is hereby enacted and ordained by authority of the same.

Sec. 1. That for the purpose of obtaining the assent of the electors of said Borough to an increase of the bonded indebtedness of said Borough in the sum of Six Thousand ($6000.00) Dollars, for the purpose of paying the Borough’s portion of the cost and ex­pense incident to the paving of such additional with of Market Street and Second Street, within the limits of said Borough, as may be prescribed by the Town Council to be paved and improved under prescribed legal proceedings. A public election will be held in and throughout said Borough, in pursuance of the provisions of an Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, “An Act to regulate the manner of increasing the indebtedness of municipalities to provide for the redemption of the same and to im­ prove penalties for illegal increase thereof, approved April 20th, 1874, and the several amendments thereto and supplements thereof, and all other laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania relating thereto and regulating the same.

Sec. 2. Said election shall be held in due form by the legally constituted election officers, at the usual place for holding elections in said Borough, on the fourth day of June, A.D.

1921, between the hours of seven o’clock a.m. and seven o’clock p.m.

Sec. 3. The question of increasing the bonded indebtedness of said Borough shall be submitted to the said electors at said election, in the manner provided by law, for the pur­pose of obtaining this assent of said electors to or the dissent of said electors upon said increase of indebtedness.

Sec. 4. There being no newspaper published in the Borough of Darlington, the Secretary of Council is directed to give notice of the holding of said election by at least twenty printed hand bills posted in the most public places in said Borough, (during) at least thirty (30) days prior to the day of holding said election, and in order to give this information and notice required by law, the following financial statement is declared:

The last assessed valuation of taxable property in said Borough is: Bonded … … …… … …… …… … … … … ….None



Less the following:

Cash on hand ……………………………. $927.34

Tax Liens ……………………………………None

Delinquent taxes ………………………… $100.00

Solvent debt and other revenue

Applicable within one year…………………None Total …………………………………………$1,027.34

Actual indebtedness of the Borough ……………..None

The percentage of the actual net increase of this indebtedness proposed is 5.424% of the assessed valuation.

Sec. 5. The said increase of Six Thousand ($6000.00) Dollars of the bonded indebted­ ness of said Borough is to be used for the purpose of paying the Borough’s portion of the cost and expense incident to the paving of such addition width of Market Street within the limits of said Borough, as may be prescribed by the Town Council to be paved and im­ proved under prescribed legal proceedings.

Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the proper authorities having charge of the printing of the necessary official ballots for said election to have the notice of said increase of indebted­ ness printed upon said bills in brief form and followed by the words, “Yes” and “No”, as by the Act or Acts of Assembly in such case made and provided, and in such manner as to afford the elections an opportunity to vote upon the purpose as stated in Section 5, to wit:

Shall the debt of the Borough of Darlington be increased in the sum of Six Thousand ($6000.00) Dollars for the purpose of paying the Bo­rough’s portion of the cost and expense incident to the paving of such additional width of Market Street and Second Street within the limits of said Borough, as may be prescribed by the Town Council to be paved and improved under prescribed legal proceedings?

Sec. 7. The Secretary of Council and all other municipal officers are authorized and di­ rected to do all acts and things which may be necessary for lawful holding conducting of said election in the manner provided by law.

Enacted and ordained into an ordinance by the Town Council of the Borough of Darling­ ton this Second day of May A.D. 1921.

  1. J. Nicely, President of Council

Attest:            Glenn H. Watterson, Secretary of Council

Examined and approved by me this Second day of May A.D. 1921.

James H. Gaunt, Burgess

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