An ordinance of the Borough of Darlington, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, establishing a trust fund, and divisions thereof, in accordance with the requirements of section 123 of the Act of Congress entitled “State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972”, and governing deposits therein and disbursements there from.
In compliance with the requirements and terms and provisions of the Act of Congress known as the “State and Locar Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972”, it is hereby enacted and ordained by Town Council of the Borough of Darlington, Beaver County, Pennsyl vania, as follows:
Sec. 1. Establishment of Revenue Sharing Trust Fund
There is hereby established and created a Trust Fund to be known as the Revenue Sharing Trust Fund which shall have seven separate divisions thereof with said divi sions to correspond with each of the seven separate entitlement periods set forth in the above cited Act of Congress.
) Sec. 2. Deposits therein required
It is hereby provided that all funds represented by checks received from the Federal Treasury Department in the nature of payments made to the Borough under the provi sions of the above cited Act shall be deposited in the Revenue Sharing Trust Fund and further, that the check or checks for each of the entitlement periods involved shall be deposited in the division of the Trust Funds hereby created for that particular Entitle ment Period for which the check has been issued and funds received. Further, all inter est received on the funds in each of the divisions of the Trust Fund shall be deposited in the said Trust Fund division. No other municipal funds shall be deposited in any parts of the Revenue Sharing Trust Fund Account or divisions thereof.
Sec. 3. Disbursements
All disbursements from the said Revenue Sharing Trust Fund, or any of the separate divisions thereof, shall be made only in the manner and in accordance with the proce dure provided for all other disbursements of municipal funds insofar as the procedure for authorization of the same is concerned, so as to fully comply with the terms and spi rit of the aforementioned Act of Congress with respect thereto. Further, expenditures from said Trust Fund or divisions thereof shall be only for those purposes authorized by the provisions of Section 103 of the above cited Act of Congress and no other.
Sec. 4. Compliance with all other requirements of State and Local Fiscal Assis tance Act of 1972 and regulations there under:
All disbursements, accounting and other procedures with respect to the authorizations of and procedures of disbursements as to the Revenue Sharing Trust Fund accounts shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Act of Congress known as the “State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972”, and the regulations of the United States Treasury Department adopted pursuant thereto, and as said regulations are from time to time revised. Every economically feasible and practical means possible shall be used to keep an accurate record of authorization and disbursement of all of said Trust Funds so as to show disbursement only for the purposes authorized by the aforesaid Act and for no other purposes whatsoever. Separate records shall be kept as to the re ceipts and disbursements of each of the Trust Fund divisions for each of the separate entitlement periods involved so that there can be an accurate tracing of the receipts and disbursements for the particular funds received on account of each of the separate entitlement periods.
Sec. 5. Authorization of Officials; duly elected and qualified:
) The Mayor of this Borough is hereby authorized to execute all certifications and reports required under the aforementioned Act of Congress and the regulations of the Treasury Department pursuant thereto the Secretary of the Borough is authorized and directed to prepare the reports; advise the news media of publication of the reports; and to publish the reports required by Section 121 of the said Act; and to fill out and file with the Treasury Department such questionnaires and reports as requested and required by the Treasury Department other than those which must be executed by the duly elected Chief Executive Officer.
Enacted and ordained by the Town Council of the Borough of Darlington, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, on this
day of , 1973; with this Ordinance to be effective
in accordance with the statutory provisions relative to the effective date thereof.
The Town Council of the Borough of Darlington, Beaver County, Pennsylvania
By: * President of Council
Attest: Romaine Shugars, Secretary of Council
} Approval of Mayor
And now this day of ,1973, the undersigned Mayor of the Borough of Darlington, Beaver County, hereby approves the Ordinance No. _
* Mayor of the Borough of Darlington, Beaver County, Pennsylvania
*No name of official indicated