Ordinance #310-83-2: Regulation and Control of Dogs

An ordinance providing for the general regulation and control of dogs within the Borough of Darlington, the impounding thereof; the creation of the Office Animal Control Officer, and penalties thereon.

Be it ordained and enacted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Darlington, Beav­ er County, Pennsylvania, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, under and by virtue of the authority of the Borough Code and its amendments, specifically but not limited to 53 P.S.§ 46202 (13):

Sec. 1. Dangerous Dogs

No vicious, dangerous, ferocious dog or dog sick with liable to communicate hydropho­ bia or other contagious or infectious disease shall be permitted to run at large within the Borough at any time. It shall be the duty of the registered owner of every dog to keep the same safely and securing muzzled.

Sec. 2. Restraint Required

All dogs shall be kept under restraint by any of the following methods:

  • Confined within the premises of the owner;
  • Firmly secured by means of a collar and chain or other device so that it cannot stray beyond the premises on which it is secured; or
  • Under the reasonable control of some person, or when engaged in lawful hunt­ ing, exhibition or field

Sec. 3. Dogs at Large

It shall be unlawful for the owner of any dog or dogs in the Borough of Darlington to permit said dog or dogs to run at large upon public streets and highways, or upon the property of any other that the owner of such dog or dogs in the Borough of Darlington unaccompanied by the owner or keeper. Any such dog found in the Borough running at large in such a manner or without a license is herby declared to be a nuisance and the same shall be impounded as hereinafter provided.

Sec. 4. Disturbing the Peace

No person owning any dog shall suffer or permit such dog to disturb the peace and quiet of the neighborhood by barking, making other loud and unusual noises or by run­ ning through or across cultivated gardens or fields. In addition to any penalties provided herein such person owning any such dog may be issued a citation for disturbing peace by any appropriate officer.

Sec. 5. Animal Control Officer

Position of Animal Control Officer is hereby created by this Ordinance, the same to as­ sume such duties as imposed herein and as may be granted by laws of the Common­ wealth of Pennsylvania and to be compensated in such a manner and at such time as Borough Council may decide hereinafter by resolution.

Sec. 6. Impounding Dogs

Dogs at large or unlicensed dogs may be taken by any Borough Policeman, Constable, or Borough Animal Control Officer to the Humane Society or any similar organization or an animal shelter, and there to be confined in a humane manner. The impounded dog shall be kept for not less than three (3) days unless reclaimed by the owner. If by a permit tag or by any other means the owner can be identified such confiscating officer shall immediately upon impoundment, notify the owner by telephone or mail of the im­ poundment of the animal. Dogs not claimed by the owners within three (3) days shall be humanely disposed by the Humane Society or such other bureau or agency with such authority.

Sec. 7. Redemption for Pound

An owner reclaiming an impounded animal shall pay a fee of $25.00 plus $2.00 for each day that the animal has been impounded to a total maximum fee of $31.00 plus any other cost incurred by the Borough and the Officer impounding said animal. The owner may also be proceeded against for violation of this ordinance and his permit as granted under County Ordinance may be revoked.

Sec. 8. Fine

Any person owning a dog and violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction in a summary proceeding, before a District Justice, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $25.00 nor more than $100.00 for the first offense, and not less than $50.00 nor more than $300.00 for the second and each additional offense.

Adopted this 8th day of June, 1983.

George E. Wilson, Jr., President of Council


Approved this 8th day July, 1983.

  1. Benois Ellis, Acting Secretary of Council

John E. Tress, Mayor

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