An Ordinance establishing a grade on Plumb Street, Market Street, Morris Street, Fifth Street, Fourth Street, Third Street, Second Street and First Street, in the Borough of Darlington, Beaver County, Pennsylvania.
Be it enacted and ordained by the Town Council of the Borough of Darlington and it is hereby enacted and ordained by authority of the same, that the grades of Plumb Street, Market Street, Morris Street, Fifth Street, Fourth Street, Third Street, Second Street and First Street, in said Borough be, and the same are hereby established as follows:
Plumb Street: Beginning at the center line of First Street at an elevation of nine hundred six (906) feet; thence by an ascending grade to an elevation of nine hundred twelve (912) feet at the center line of Second Street; thence by an ascending grade to an elevation of nine hundred fifteen (915) feet at the center line of Third Street; thence by an ascending grade to an elevation of nine hundred sixteen (916) feet at the center line of Emmerys Alley; thence by a descending grade to elevating of nine hundred fifteen (915) feet at the center line of Fourth Street; thence by an ascending grade, to an elevation of nine hundred seventeen and sixty hundredths (917.60) feet at the center line of Fifth Street.
Market Street: Beginning at the center line of First Street, at an elevation of nine hundred ten and three hundredths (190.03) feet; thence by a vertical curve to an elevation of nine hundred ten and forty hundredths (910.40) feet at the northerly side of First Street; thence by an ascending grade to an elevation of nine hundred eleven and fifty three hundredths (911.53) feet at the center line of Second Street; thence by an ascending grade to an elevation of nine hundred fourteen (914) feet at the center line of Third Street; thence by a descending grade to an elevation of nine hundred thirteen and twenty five hundredths (913.25) feet at the center line of Emmerys Ally; thence by an ascending grade to an elevation of nine hundred fourteen (914) feet at the center line of Fourth Street; thence by an ascending grade to an elevation of nine hundred fifteen (915) feet at the center line of Fifth Street.
Morris Street: Beginning at the center line of First Street at an elevation of nine hundred twelve and sixty hundredths (912.60) feet; thence by a descending grade of nine hundred ten and fourteen hundredths (190.14)feet at the center line of Second Street; thence by an ascending grade to an elevation of nine hundred twelve and forty hundredths (912.40) feet at the center line of Third Street; thence by a descending grade to an elevation of nine hundred ten and sixth hundredths (910.60) feet at the center line of Fourth Street; thence by an ascending grade to an elevation of nine hundred twelve feet (912) at the center line of Fifth Street.
Fifth Street: Beginning at the westerly Borough line at an elevation of nine hundred nine (909) feet; thence by an ascending grade to an elevation of nine hundred twelve (912) feet at the center line of Morris Street; thence by an ascending grade to an elevation of nine hundred fifteen (915) feet at the center line of Market Street; thence by an ascending grade to an elevation of nine hundred seventeen and sixty hundredths (917.60) feet at the center line of Plumb Street; thence by an ascending grade to an elevation of nine hundred twenty seven (927) feet at the easterly Borough line.
Fourth Street: Beginning at the westerly Borough line at an elevation of nine hundred nine and sixty hundredths (909.60) feet; thence by an ascending grade to an elevation of nine hundred ten and sixty hundredths (910.60) feet at the center line of Morris Street, thence ay an ascending grade to an elevation of nine hundred fourteen (914) feet at the center line of Market Street; thence by an ascending grade to an elevation of nine hundred sixteen (916) feet at the center line of Plumb Street; thence by an ascending grade to an elevation of nine hundred seventeen and thirty hundredths (917.30) feet at the easterly Borough line.
Third Street: Beginning at the westerly borough line at an elevation of nine hundred twelve and sixty hundredths (912.60) feet; thence by a descending grade to an elevation of nine hundred eleven and sixty hundredths (911.60) feet at the center line of Martin’s Alley; thence by an ascending grade to an elevation of nine hundred twelve and forty hundredths (912.40) feet at the center line of Morris Street; thence by an ascending grade to an elevation of nine hundred thirteen and sixty hundredths (913.60) feet at the center line of Market Street; thence by an ascending grade to an elevation of nine hundred sixteen (916) feet at the center line of Plumb Street; thence by a descending grade to an elevation of nine hundred fourteen (914) feet at the easterly Borough line.
Second Street: Beginning at the westerly borough line at an elevation of nine hundred eight and forty-eight hundredths (908.48) feet; thence by an ascending grade to an elevation of nine hundred ten and fourteen hundredths (910.14) feet at the center line of Morris Street; thence by an ascending grade to an elevation of nine hundred eleven and fifty-three hundredths (911.53) feet at the center line of Market Street; thence by an ascending grade to an elevation of nine hundred twelve and seventy hundredths (912.70) feet at the center line of Hagerties Alley; thence by a descending grade to an elevation of nine hundred twelve (912) feet at the center line of Plumb Street; thence by an ascending grade to an elevation of nine hundred thirteen (913) feet at the center line of Sprotts Alley; thence by a descending grade to an elevation of nine hundred twelve (912) feet at the easterly Borough line.
First Street: Beginning at the westerly Borough line at an elevation of nine hundred ten and sixty hundredths (910.60) feet, thence by an ascending grade to elevation of nine hundred twelve and sixty hundredths (912.60) feet at the center line of Morris Street; thence by an ascending grade to an elevation of nine hundred thirteen and sixty hundredths (913.60) feet at the center line of Stephensons Alley, thence by a descending grade to an elevation of nine hundred ten and three hundredths (910.03) feet at the center line of Market Street; thence by an ascending grade to an elevation of nine hundred eleven (911) feet at the center line of Hagerties Alley; thence by an descending grade to an elevation of nine hundred six (906) feet at the westerly side of Plumb Street; there continuing across Plumb Street at an elevation of nine hundred six (906) feet to the easterly side; thence by a descending grade to an elevation of nine hundred two and sixty hundredths (902.60) feet at the center line of Sprotts Alley; thence by an ascending grade to an elevation of nine hundred three and sixty hundredths (903.60) feet to the easterly Borough line.
All the above is the elevation of curb on either side of street excepting at street corners, where the straight grade will be warped to meet the adjacent street grades.
The Borough Engineer is hereby authorized to draft the grades herein established in the book known as the Borough Grade Book.
All ordinance or parts of ordinances inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed.
Ordained and enacted into a law by the Town Council of the Borough of Darlington this 6th day of December A.O. 1926.
- E. Duff, President of Council
Attest: Glenn H. Watterson, Secretary of Council Examined and approved by me this 6th day of December A.D. 1926.
- w. Peffer, Burgess